Friday, December 27, 2013

Its Official! I Will Be Directing....

Swimming in the Shallows by Adam Bock

Thursdays through Saturdays, May 2 – 24. 

(Cleveland premiere) 

Directed by Lisa Wiley

at convergence-continuum

Barb finds out that Buddhist monks in Thailand only own eight things and wonders if that is all she wants. She starts

giving away her things, but her husband Bob keeps buying her new ones. Donna wants Carla Carla to marry her, but

Carla Carla doesn't like that Donna smokes. Nick falls in love with a shark at the aquarium. They go on a date to the

beach, and Nick tries not to sleep with the shark too fast. Plus dream sequences. Plus a wedding.

"Got Something To Say? Let Me Do The Talking!"
Voice Over Artist
Cleveland, Ohio

Narrator for "Unlikely: A Kingdoms Gone Story" & "Confessions of a Teenage Hermaphrodite" 
Now Available at: Audible, Amazon and iTunes

Monday, February 4, 2013


When the cereal box reads: "granola clusters and juicy raisins" is a juicy raisin even possible...I mean its a dried grape, how juicy can it be?

Made In Cleveland Movie

Made In Cleveland Movie coming soon!

I am in the trailer at about 2:00! Lets play find Wiley, shall we!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

So Far This Month.....


  • Started scraping and prepping the basement walls so they can be waterproofed so I can start building MY Studio!
  • I've started recording an audiobook! (Title released as soon as the paperwork has been completed!)
  • Researched and planning for a creative collaborative business.
  • Met with a couple of other creative individuals that will be great resources for collaborating on audio projects!
  • Rehearsed for the NEOMFA PLAYWRIGHTS FESTIVAL and the piece Dye Jung will open in 8 days! (Thats the one I am in!)
  • Will be onstage for convergence-continuum's Sordid Lives paying the guitar as Bitsy Mae Harling.
Not a bad start!  Now, move forward, go!